Friday 13 April 2007

Who or what is Peace Child to me continued

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significance to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

"We smiled at each other, misty-eyed and weary, yet suddenly overflowing with joy. An audible voice could not have made the message clearer. God had heard our prayer." Pg 213

This passage usually appears in many different phrases in the book. Everything Mr. Don Richardson prays to God comes to an answer. When he was rescuing his family in the crocodile infested river, he prayed to God for his family to be safe and God answered to his prayer and by the time MR. Richardson had rescued his family members, all of them were safe and sound. In this phrase, Don and carol was praying to God and reading the bible to hope for a miracle to Warahai, who suffered almost to death. They prayed for him to rise in feet again and God answered the prayer. The next day Warahai raised from the 'dead' and the miracle that Don Richardson and Carol hoped, happened.
It seems that God answers his servants’ prayer very quickly and the servant needs it hurriedly. Whenever Don prayed for an answer, the answer came so soon. My point is that whenever I pray to God, I hope he answers fast just like he did to Mr. Richardson. Although when I pray, it is not always about the other people, some prayers are mostly about me. Even though it is mostly about me, i still hope that God answers my prayer, only when I am in need of help desperately.

IF you are going to post, focus on one question and comment about it.

Who or what is Peace Child to me?

How different is your modern culture from the Sawi tenants?

The culture of mine or my country is very different from the old Sawi tenants. In the Sawi tenants, there are some rules that are so barbaric. They had such law like practicing cannibalism, using the ‘waness bind’ on people, and gross custom of touching dead family member's corpses called gefam ason. Overall, the Sawi tenants usually include cruel and merciless laws, however in our modern cultures; there are no practices such as cannibalism or touching corpses. There could be something similar to the waness bind like setting traps on one person to order them to do what benefits the user of the waness bind. One of the basic differences of my country's culture or other countries like china, America, Japan, or etc is that there is no polygamy going on. The Sawi had several wives and most of them were from killing their old husbands and winning them over. The polygamy was one of the practice that probably happened in every countries' ancient century, however the world is now so civilized that only monogamy stays in place. The country or tribes which practice polygamy is probably so uncivilized and because they do not know the other world culture outside. The rest of the other civilized world only practice monogamy, which is the unbreakable rule for marriages.
Also the Christian cultures are opposites of the Sawi tenants. Sawi also had a myth about birds and the reptiles which is about mortality vs immortality. Christian believes that God created the world and since the beginning, Adam and Eve had caused Sin to appear so all of us humans became mortal. Sawi at first enjoyed the story of Judas betraying Jesus because the theme about that story included fattening for the friendships, which is a most common way to kill their friends, or precious companions. Because of this theme, Sawis cannot trust fully each other. However, Christians believes betraying is the worst thing one can do especially to Jesus.
The last difference and the major one of the old Sawi tenants and Christian culture is that Sawi used the term peace child which is used to make agreement, deal, or peace treaty with other tribes. Peace child are taken care of real sacred to the other tribes because once the peace child is dead, the treaty will be broken. Peace child is given by his or her father and mother. This is sort of similar to God being father and Jesus being his son and Jesus was the 'peace child' to the people in every world. Jesus was a major enormous peace child which forgave people's sin and counted for all the people not just the Israelites, all the people in the world. Overall, Peace child in Sawi culture is small and Peace Child in Christian culture is huge.

What should we do continued

What do mission organizations do for these people?

Mission organizations basically help the poor or uncivilized cultural tribes. No matter how hard or will take long to understand the tribes' language and speak them, missionaries hang around with the tribes in a small cottage and heal the sick, give advice to the people who had done bad crimes, and gather groups of people to share a gospel.

What should we do continued

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

As I probably mentioned before, Jesus wants his followers, any Christians, missionaries, or etc to evangelize the word of God because Jesus loves everybody. All humans are equaled therefore even uncivilized Sawi got the chance to be converted. And since all of us were saved from Jesus, we also need to thank him back by evangelizing and manifesting the Christianity to the unfortunate people who does not know Jesus.

What should we do?

What should society do for "uncivilized cultures" like the Sawi?

Since the world is growing and technology is advancing, the uncivilized tribes should also get a new life and meet new ages to survive. Missionaries are there to fix the tribes' belief into Christianity and teach the uncivilized societies how to live in comfort. Therefore people all over the world could support the uncivilized groups by donating money to the organization that supports the native tribes.

What is faith continued

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

First, we should observe the culture of people and respect it. The countries' or tribes culture is very precious and important for those people who respect the culture. Don Richardson first observed the culture of the Sawi and gradually, after the problems and conflict happened , he slowly taught some of the Sawi's culture and traditions were wrong, like giving the Peace Child, and as he introduced the story of Jesus and his sacrifice to save all people from sin. So if i were a missionary, i would first listen and observe if the culture of one's belief is good or bad, and fix some of the traditions by introducing the Christianity.

What is faith continued

How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

Faith is something that people have on their belief. In this world has many countries and each countries hold different kinds of world views and beliefs. The people have faith in their religion. Even small tribes of cannibals have their belief and traditions or culture. The faith relates to the world we live in because every people have their beliefs about something.

What is faith?

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

God sends missionaries all over the world to the uncivilized and cannibalistic people. He wants them to evangelize as many people who does not know the existence of God and convert them. As a Christian, I should also try to get together with God in spirit and with the words, spread God's word to other people. It would be great if I could convert one person into Christianity, just like Mr. Don Richardson converted many Sawi people.

Sunday 11 March 2007

Journal 17

At last, the Germans are out of the camp because the Russians are getting Germans' butt kicked. Alberto left early, but Primo felt like staying more and also Primo was a little sick. SO he stayed with the other people who are not ready to leave the camp and survived for 10 days more. SInce Germans are out of the way, the prisoners could now steal food from the kitchen with ease, and for early days they survived on kitchen food and melted snow water. Even when the concentration camp was over, there were young and old people dying from the sickness or hunger.
During the 10 days Primo and the rest of the refugees fed on food at kitchen, got new clothes from a Tailor.
In the middle of 10 days, one guy from other camp saw potato field from not so far area. Primo and his gangs took many potatoes and had a feast with them. Potatoes, or soup, pancakes, and anything one could do with potatoes were made and for the first time in ages, the prisoners had a feast.
At this time, the prisoners were teamed up, not trying to survive on his own. By helping each other, they gained food and tried to heal the sick or old people. In the later days, the 11 people escaped the camp, leaving only one dead in the camp.
Primo survived and some of his friends also reached their family or made a profession of something. All of them were now back in peaceful life.

Personally, I liked this chapter because it was easiest to read and there were many parts about food. THe food in the book always make me hungry... wait not only that, It was a happy ending for all the prisoners. The last sentence of what primo said also made him sound like he miss the people in the camp. Maybe he doesn't miss the camp's life, but people from the camp is what he missed the most.

journal 16

"To destroy a man is difficult,almost as difficult as to create one: it has not been easy, nor quick, but you Germans have succeeded. Here we are, docile under you gaze; from our side you have nothing more to fear; no acts of violence, no words of defiance, not even a look of judgement."

He said this before a guy who said, "I am the last one!" This may be significance because that man who died WAS the last one who will die in the camp. Primo was disgusted to see another person dying and because the guy had stated I am the last one, Primo and his friend must have been shocked.

The quote from the pg 150, up in the first paragraph is from Primo who said to the Germans in thought that German was successful controlling the men of jews. He means that making life or killing life is hard when he said man is difficult to create one or kill. Life is most important thing about people, but German didn't think so. German thought Jews were inferior and they thought Jewish does not need life, so that is why they can easily kill off life of men at the camp. And because German can kill life so easily, Jewish are afraid so they are docile to Germans. Germans are the trainers and Jews became their pet-animals.

journal 15

Time passed, and many italian jews or other jews that came with Primo is now long gone. The experienced prisoners like Primo is now a kommando who works under shelter. What they basically do is work with chemical ingredients. Primo Levi was chosen for one of the three scientist to work in laboratory. His friend Alberto congratulated him and Primo mentioned that his friendship with Alberto has grown like an "Alliance." There is no envy or jealousy from Alberto. He is the best friend of primo and having friend in the camp is not very usual thing. As I said in before journals, everybody is enemy and bargain life to each other secretly. However, Primo was a very good friend of Alberto as he was also a friend of primo.

The life in the camp turned very easy for Primo because now he is promoted to a specialist and he can get new clothes every wednesday. I figured out that having a major of something useful would also get a man to get his life easier than those who suffers. Primo can also steal without getting in danger and what he always does is now writing notes and do chemistry. Nobody beats him and he had better shelter. The life in Buna became a heaven for Primo now. (Not entirely, but probably better off than the life when he was working severously)

Saturday 10 March 2007

journal 14

Rainy day is a melancholic day for everyone. It is same for everybody in the camp. Rainy day means muddy ground and place to evade rain to the prisoners. They would not want muddy and wet clothes so they would hide under shelter in a shed. And in chapter 14, the rain had been raining for 10 days and ground is so wet that it is difficult to work and all sacks are wet. Primo once mentioned in pg 131,
"Between one movement of the shovel and another I think about it, and I really believe that to have a dry rag would be positive happiness."
This phrase is saying that even primo is in the dreaded camp, he would also think about working in better conditions like having a dry bag instead of the weat ones. It seems that the prisoners cannot stand massive mother nature disaster than the slavery in the camp. Primo was also glad that it was not windy while raining because windy weather would make prisoners in despair. Even though the prisoners does not like rainy weather, they don't like something (like wind) that makes the rainy weather even worse.

journal 13

At winter of the Auschwitz camp, there is a process called 'Selekja' which means selection. Those who get selected by the German officers does not get any reward, but instead one gets to die earlier. In winter, German officers once set a big tent for the prisoners of lager. however as population of prisoners were increasing, they had to lessen the population of the prisoners by selecting them and then kill.

Even in selection process, there is still idea of survival of fittest. Some people who learned about the selection, won't let others know and sneak to Ka-be for just to escape the selection. Once again, as i mentioned before in other journals, these sneaky people does not let other people know because they want advantage from those who doesn't know. But because of the people who did not let others know, people will revenge against the people who did not teach them about the selection. Than whole revenging will start just like Peace child's Sawi did to the other tribes.

journal 12

In chapter 12, The Buna is bombarded and the prisoners faced new challenge in the life of camp. The bombardment was led to the flee of prisoners. Prisoners had to wrok all day and now that the camp was getting bombed, they had to evade from the danger. The prisoners run wild and some steal food from the kitchen and some might get killed or starved in hunger. The laws in the camp doesn't exist during the bombardment. Though it is risky to steal food from the kitchen (cuz it led to death)the prisoners are too starved to care about the result.

Primo also described this crazy experience as "world shaken every day more deeply by the omens of its nearing end, amidst new terrors and hopes, with intervals of exasperated slavery," at pg 119. The camp was already bad enough with dying people from cursed German people. Though the prisoners gain hope sometimes, the hope is shriveled up agian by the the camp's new experience, bombing, which led Primo to add it as one of their new torture in the camp.

journal 11

The poem about Ulysses (the greek epic poem also called Odysseus where it explains the Ithacan king returning from Trojan war)that Primo explains to Pikolo is basically a poem that invigorates hopes to the hopeless people. The poem, in a different way, talks about Ulysses' dangerous adventure through the ocean and troubles. This sort of reminds the prisoners in Auschwitz. Odysseus (or Ulysses whatever) was forced to go to trojan war because of Menelaus, king of sparta, and it took long time to come back to his home, just like jewish people in the camp. Jewish were forced to come to the camp because of German nazis. They were labored and until the German Nazis were defeated, the prisoners lived a animal-like life. Many jewish died, as well as Ody's men. Ody's poem might have gave the prisoners feel hopeful because Ody was successful at last getting to his home. They probably believed that, just like Ody, they will also live throughout the camp (although that is not sure because anybody can die anytime) and return home.

Journal 10

What ill-luck, I cannot even talk to the others to hear what questions they are asking. pg 105

It must be very uncomfortable not able to communicate or even understand the germans. However, the non-german people had to suck it up and try to do what the German officers say to them. In the earlier chapter the prisoners learned that they shouldn't ask question to the German officers or ask to repeat. Primo had little knowledge on German language however he was still an amateur at it. Chemical examination seems to have been important event for Primo because he was expert at chemistry. But because he couldn't understand what 'Alex' was saying, he had to guess by Alex's look at follow the action. If he makes one wrong move, he will be flunked in Chemical examination.

Saturday 3 March 2007

journal 9

In chapter 9, Primo talks about how to be a good survivor. There was this one guy in camp, who is a loner (actually everybody are loners because nobody help each other to survive), but cunning. In order to survive this harsh camp, one must think about how to get off from the hard jobs. He can sacrifice his hunger for one meal and trade a bread for something and avoid from work. Then he will keep his plan for himself to use it again. If too much people use his plans, then the plan the original man created will be useless next time when he uses it. Therefore in order to survive this horrid camp, one must be cunning and sneaky.

journal 8

As the food were used for money or trading, the shirt also became one of them. The shirt was issued for prisoners whenever they lost it or can't be worn. So the prisoners decided to trade shirts for food and the same things that they traded for with bread. Although losing clothes will lead to harsh punishment for the prisoners, in order to survive and get what prisoners want, they'll do anything to get it. They are going to die anyway, so why not do what they want?

Then primo talks about ration of bread, cigarettes, shirts, buna factories and rest of the materials that exist in Auschwitz camp.

Although, this place is a camp, it does seem more like a prison (probably it is) because prisoners work and get small amount of food that everybody complain about. The SS men has no mercy for the thief as well as the victim. SSmen does not care or rather encourage the theft to happen, so that SS men can punish them both for their mischeives.

Friday 2 March 2007

Journal 7

From this chapter, prisoners start talking about food. First a boy named Sigi would talk about his mother in Vienna and the third dishes of bean soup he couldn't finish. Then other person would talk about his country and the food and so and on. Every international prisoners miss their food fron their country. Then Primo would think about how weak their flesh is. He figured that they are all in fantasies of food because of their hunger.
Hunger also leads to pilfering food and survival of fittest. One who is smart to get food can obtain quite more rations than he could and those who does not watch for their food would see their food stolen in a second. Bread loses its taste and nutrition if time passes. Therefore, it is smart to chop it in ones mouth before it gets stolen or rotten.
Also, the soup comes in the meal which satisfies the prisoners. Sometimes the soup comes in mass amount therefore one can get 6 pints of hot soup.

Journal 6

PG 70. "Oh, If one could only cry! Oh, if one could only affront the wind as we once used to, one equal terms, and not as we do here, like a cringing dogs. We are outside and everyone picks up his lever"

Primo is desperate for freedom. In my opinion, the wind in this phrase means freedom or "better treatment." In the camp, only German are the superior beings and rest of the prisoners had unequal rights. The harsh treatment made the workers discouraged and sad. The only thing that can invigorate these workers are the smell of freedom or care from somebody. Dogs also like to get treated with care. Dogs symbolizes to workers in this phrase.

Thursday 1 March 2007

Journal 5

In chapter 5, Primo explains how Ka-Be is more better place than a camp. At least one can sleep comfortably without working, however when prisoners have to go to the camp, they will grumble and march to work. In pg 56-57,

"But the man who leaves the Ka-Be, naked and almost always insufficiently cured, feels himself ejected into the dark and cold of sidereal space. His trousers fall down, his shoes hurt him, his shirt has no button. He searches for a human contact and only finds backs turned on him. He is helpless and vulnerable as a new-born baby, but the following morning he will still have to march to work."

This quote explains how the patients from Ka-Be goes back to work. Their relaxing time ends and have to wear old prisoner-worker clothes that is so uncomfortable for their body. They have to get used to work again after the break time. The dark and cold of sidereal space seems to relate to the camp life because it is very gloomy prison there. Even if he did not want to go, he must suck it up and go to work again.

IN pg 61, "One can hear the sleepers breathing and snoring; some groan and speak. Many lick their lips and move their jaws. They are dreaming of eating; this is also a collective dream. It is a pitiless dream which the creator of the tantalus myth must have known." This quote explains the prisoners are missing the food they ate before they were captured. Since they only eat bread and soup, it is a logical thing that they should be dreaming about food. However, a gourmet is like a myth in the camp since no one can eat heartily. They are just dreaming hopeless dream.

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Journal 4

Ka-Be was the place where the doctors and nurse look after the prisoner's injury and heal them, if it is in EMERGENT. The Ka-Be does not seem to actually care about the sickness of the Jews. The example in Pg 47 said,
"The nurse takes out the thermometer and presents me: 'Nummer 174517, kein Fieber.' I do not need a long examination: I am immediately declared Arztvormelder. What it means I do not know, but this is certainly not the place to ask questions. I find myself thrown out, I get back my shoes and go back to the hut."
This shows that even if Jews wait for long time for examination, the Ka-Be people does not look carefully about the sickness. They just decide what kind of sickness it is and tell the patient to rest.
Ka-Be is also a bad place, but not so bad like Auschwitz. SS men treat the patients harshly by sending the sick to the cold shower repeatedly.
The Ka-Be doctors, some of them are also prisoners of the camp. They have special skills on doctoring and that is why they are working among the SS people. A fat doctor who took medical examination on primo had black striped suit hidden inside the white coat. The indication to Doctor's fatness, I think, is that the prisoners who work for the germans get fed well.
If there is one hope to survive in Auschwitz, one must be good or like major in one occupation and work for the Germans.

Journal 3

in the third chapter, people suffer from hunger. For their ration, they only get bread each meal. However, the bread in this camp is not only precious, but also it is used as money. In exchange for bread, prisoners can trade their bread for cigarettes, clothes, or ticket to the washroom. This exchanging bread shows that the prisoners have will and hope to survive. By giving up their hunger for one meal, they can get washed up, or get more clothes to warm themselves up, or maybe enjoy a cigarette break.

Journal 2

In the second chapter, there is one part where Jewish people and German people having hard communication since the German language is new to those international Jewish. Primo knew a little about german, but not fully. It must have been pretty troublesome and 'blocked' for Jews because they can't understand what Germans are saying.
Then the prisoners were taken to shower room. All their possessions like clothes and watches were taken away and they were shaved. Then they would get new prisoner clothes to live with it until the end of the camp.
The prisoners are also numbered and Primo got 174517 tattoo on his left arm and that became his new name in the camp. Naming a prisoner in numbers... that shows that the camp is truly a jail and make jews look like sinners and bad criminals.

Journal 1 On auschwitz

In the first chapter, Primo Levi, the italian jew was arrested by fascist troops and was taken to Auschwitz concentration camp. He knew that the camp was the most horrible place for Jews like him. It seemed that it is also almost hopeless to survive in Auschwitz. At first, author could not get along with the new harsh enviornment such as night time and the waking up time. There is also a quote in pg 16 "dawn came on us like a betrayer." This probably explains that when each morning comes, the death of a jew will come closer and since nobody knows who is going to die when, so morning makes every jews fearful. Morning is refreshing beginning for outside life, but it is like hell in Auschwitz

Friday 9 February 2007

Journal on Auschwitz Video

As I watched the Auschwitz Concentration Camp video, I was shocked to see millions of death of Jews, among them being 200,000 chilren. German Nazi gathered all jews from european countries and set them in concentration camps to work to death. Auschiwtz camp was one of the concentration camps and it is also where Primo Levi had survived.
Many people were killed by breathing Zyklon-B gas or getting cremated in a crematorium. Jews were mercilessly killed, experimented, and tortured. The jewish children were experimented by a German scientist named Josef Mengele and suffered or died of dangerous lethal injections.
For those years in the internment, Jewish children were away from their parents and as shown in the video, the one thing that these Children needed was other person's care. Without this care, the children lived in harsh enviornment and survived through hardships that no normal kids have to experience it. When a soviet soldier gave kids a chocolate and a hug, the kids cried in happiness.
The jewish adults suffered more than any race or religious groups. Since Hitler made Jews an enemy of Nazis, adults in the camps were destined to die. Some useful people who have some skills in certain jobs can be hired in the camps. In the video, twenty years old woman volunteered to be a SS worker, to guard and supervise the Jewish women in the labor. However because of her greediness in power of her SS uniform, she killed her own kind and was sentenced to death two months after her 22th birthday. I guess that in the camp, people tend to do anything cruel to survive under the powerful side. For the men, men who were strong and healthy could survive from the selection and other weaklings are left to die.
Nazi is very cruel because this organization led by Adolf Hitler had caused more than One million jews into death. A single man led to the destruction of one million people. When i think about this i remember from the Bible passage that When Pilate was washing his hand that he is not related to killing Jesus, Jews prophet said, "Then we and our descendent will get the punishment!" It seems that punishment came to reality and I sometimes wonder, If God planned that massacre to happen or if it was just a coincidence.
Maybe Hitler made Jews an enemy not because the jews were always successful in business and rich, but also they were the murderer of Jesus Christ. I don't know if Hitler was a Christian, but i heard from someone that Christians didn't like jews because Jews were the cause of Jesus' death.
After the camp was over, some survivors lived to tell the tale. Auschwitz concentration camp was the most horrible place that these survivors could ever go. There was not sympathy in those camps and men, women, and children were harassed, torutred, raped, experimented, and killed.

Thursday 25 January 2007

pEaCe ChIlD

What is faith?
What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

God sends missionaries all over the world to the uncivilized and cannibalistic people. He wants them to evangelize as many people who does not know the existence of God and convert them. As a Christian, I should also try to get together with God in spirit and with the words, spread God's word to other people. It would be great if i could convert one person into christianity, just like mr. Don Richardson converted many sawi people.

How does Faith relate to the world in which we live?

Faith is something that people have on their belief. In this world has many countries and each countries hold different kinds of world views and beliefs. The people have faith in their religion. Even small tribes of cannibals have their belief and traditions or culture. The faith relate to the world we live in because every people have their beliefs about something.

What should we do when we are confronted with other cultures?

First, we should observe the culture of people and respect it. The countries' or tribes culture is very precious and important for those people who respect the culture. Don Richardson first observed the culture of the Sawi and gradually, after the problems and conflict happened , he slowly taught some of the Sawi's culture and traditions were wrong, like giving the Peace CHild, and as he introduced the story of Jesus and his sacrifice to save all people from sin. So if i were a missionary, i would first listen and observe if the culture of one's belief is good or bad, and fix some of the traditions by introducing the christianity.

What should we do?

What should society do for "uncivilized cultures" like the sawi?

Since the world is growing and technology is advancing, the uncivilized tribes should also get a new life and meet new ages to survive. Missionaries are there to fix the tribes' belief into christianity and teach the uncivilized societies how to live in comfort. Therefore people all over the world could support the uncivilized groups by donating money to the organization who supports the native tribes.

What does Jesus want us to do for the sawi?

As I probably mentioned before, Jesus wants his followers, any christians, missionaries, or etc to evangelize the word of God because Jesus loves everybody. All humans are equal therefore even uncivilized sawi got the chance to be converted.

What do mission organisations do for these people?

Mission organisations basically help the poor or uncivilized cultural tribes. No matter how hard or will take long to understand the tribes' language and speak them, missionaries hang around with the tribes in a small cottage and heal the sick, give advice to the people who had done bad crimes, and gather groups of people to share a gospel.

Who or what is Peace Child to me?

How different is your modern culture from the sawi tenents?

The culture of mine or my country is very different from the old sawi tenents. In the sawi tenents, there are some rules that are so barbaric. They had such law like practicing cannibalism, using the waness bind on people, and gross custom of touching dead family member's corpses called gefam ason. Overall, the sawi tenents usually include cruel and merciless laws, however in our modern cultures, there are no cannibalism or no touching corpses. There could be something similar to the waness bind like setting traps on one person to order them to do what benefits the user of the waness bind. One of the basic difference of my country's culture or other countries like china, america, japan, or etc is that there is no polygamy going on. THe sawi had several wives and most of them were from killing their old husbands and winning them over. The polygamy was one of the practice that probably happened in every countries' ancient century, however the world is now so civilized that only monogamy stays in place. The country or tribes who practice polygamy is probably so uncivilized and because they do not know the other world culture outside.
Also the Christian cultures are opposites to the Sawi tenents. Sawi also had a myth about birds and the reptiles which is about mortality vs immortality. Christian believes that God created the world and since the beginning, Adam and Eve had caused Sin to appear so all of us humans became mortal. Sawi at first enjoyed the story of Judas betraying Jesus because the theme about that story included fattening for the friendships, which is a most common way to kill their friends, or precious companions. Because of this theme, sawis cannot trust fully each other. However, Christians believes betraying is the worst thing one can do especially to Jesus.
The last difference and the major one of the old Sawi tenents and Christian culture is that Sawi used the term peace child which is used to make agreement, deal, or peace treaty with other tribes. Peace child are taken care of real sacred to the other tribes because once the peace child is dead, the treaty will be broken. Peace child is given by his or her father and mother. This is sort of similar to God being father and Jesus being his son and Jesus was the 'peace child' to the people in every world. Jesus was a major enormous peace child which forgave people's sin and counted for all the people not just the israelites, all the people in the world. Overall, Peace child in Sawi culture is small and Peace Child in Christian culture is huge.

Must Do Question

Choose a representative passage from this novel that holds particular significence to you. Type it in and comment on its significance.

"We smiled at each other, misty-eyed and weary, yet suddenly overflowing with joy. An audible voice could not have made the message clearer. God had heard our prayer." Pg 213
This passage usually appears in many different phrases in the book. Everything Mr. Don Richardson prays to God comes to an answer. When he was rescuing his family in the crocodile infested river, he prayed to God for his family to be safe and God answered to his prayer and by the time MR. Richardson had rescued his family members, all of them were safe and sound. In this phrase, Don and carol was praying to God and reading the bible to hope for a miracle to Warahai, who suffered almost to death. They prayed for him to rise in feet again and God answered the prayer. The next day Warahai rose from the 'dead' and the miracle thad Don Richardson and Carol hoped, happened.
It seems that God answers his servants prayer very quickly and the servant needs it hurriedly. Whenever Don prayed for an answer, the answer came so soon. My point is that Whenever i pray to God, I hope he answers fast just like he did to Mr. Richardson. Although when i pray, it is not always about the other people, some prayers are mostly about me. Even though it is mostly about me, i still hope that God answers my prayer, only when i am in need of help desperately.

IF you are going to post, focus on one question and comment about it.