Thursday 1 March 2007

Journal 5

In chapter 5, Primo explains how Ka-Be is more better place than a camp. At least one can sleep comfortably without working, however when prisoners have to go to the camp, they will grumble and march to work. In pg 56-57,

"But the man who leaves the Ka-Be, naked and almost always insufficiently cured, feels himself ejected into the dark and cold of sidereal space. His trousers fall down, his shoes hurt him, his shirt has no button. He searches for a human contact and only finds backs turned on him. He is helpless and vulnerable as a new-born baby, but the following morning he will still have to march to work."

This quote explains how the patients from Ka-Be goes back to work. Their relaxing time ends and have to wear old prisoner-worker clothes that is so uncomfortable for their body. They have to get used to work again after the break time. The dark and cold of sidereal space seems to relate to the camp life because it is very gloomy prison there. Even if he did not want to go, he must suck it up and go to work again.

IN pg 61, "One can hear the sleepers breathing and snoring; some groan and speak. Many lick their lips and move their jaws. They are dreaming of eating; this is also a collective dream. It is a pitiless dream which the creator of the tantalus myth must have known." This quote explains the prisoners are missing the food they ate before they were captured. Since they only eat bread and soup, it is a logical thing that they should be dreaming about food. However, a gourmet is like a myth in the camp since no one can eat heartily. They are just dreaming hopeless dream.

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