How different is your modern culture from the Sawi tenants?
The culture of mine or my country is very different from the old Sawi tenants. In the Sawi tenants, there are some rules that are so barbaric. They had such law like practicing cannibalism, using the ‘waness bind’ on people, and gross custom of touching dead family member's corpses called gefam ason. Overall, the Sawi tenants usually include cruel and merciless laws, however in our modern cultures; there are no practices such as cannibalism or touching corpses. There could be something similar to the waness bind like setting traps on one person to order them to do what benefits the user of the waness bind. One of the basic differences of my country's culture or other countries like china, America, Japan, or etc is that there is no polygamy going on. The Sawi had several wives and most of them were from killing their old husbands and winning them over. The polygamy was one of the practice that probably happened in every countries' ancient century, however the world is now so civilized that only monogamy stays in place. The country or tribes which practice polygamy is probably so uncivilized and because they do not know the other world culture outside. The rest of the other civilized world only practice monogamy, which is the unbreakable rule for marriages.
Also the Christian cultures are opposites of the Sawi tenants. Sawi also had a myth about birds and the reptiles which is about mortality vs immortality. Christian believes that God created the world and since the beginning, Adam and Eve had caused Sin to appear so all of us humans became mortal. Sawi at first enjoyed the story of Judas betraying Jesus because the theme about that story included fattening for the friendships, which is a most common way to kill their friends, or precious companions. Because of this theme, Sawis cannot trust fully each other. However, Christians believes betraying is the worst thing one can do especially to Jesus.
The last difference and the major one of the old Sawi tenants and Christian culture is that Sawi used the term peace child which is used to make agreement, deal, or peace treaty with other tribes. Peace child are taken care of real sacred to the other tribes because once the peace child is dead, the treaty will be broken. Peace child is given by his or her father and mother. This is sort of similar to God being father and Jesus being his son and Jesus was the 'peace child' to the people in every world. Jesus was a major enormous peace child which forgave people's sin and counted for all the people not just the Israelites, all the people in the world. Overall, Peace child in Sawi culture is small and Peace Child in Christian culture is huge.
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