Wednesday 28 February 2007

Journal 4

Ka-Be was the place where the doctors and nurse look after the prisoner's injury and heal them, if it is in EMERGENT. The Ka-Be does not seem to actually care about the sickness of the Jews. The example in Pg 47 said,
"The nurse takes out the thermometer and presents me: 'Nummer 174517, kein Fieber.' I do not need a long examination: I am immediately declared Arztvormelder. What it means I do not know, but this is certainly not the place to ask questions. I find myself thrown out, I get back my shoes and go back to the hut."
This shows that even if Jews wait for long time for examination, the Ka-Be people does not look carefully about the sickness. They just decide what kind of sickness it is and tell the patient to rest.
Ka-Be is also a bad place, but not so bad like Auschwitz. SS men treat the patients harshly by sending the sick to the cold shower repeatedly.
The Ka-Be doctors, some of them are also prisoners of the camp. They have special skills on doctoring and that is why they are working among the SS people. A fat doctor who took medical examination on primo had black striped suit hidden inside the white coat. The indication to Doctor's fatness, I think, is that the prisoners who work for the germans get fed well.
If there is one hope to survive in Auschwitz, one must be good or like major in one occupation and work for the Germans.

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