Sunday 11 March 2007

Journal 17

At last, the Germans are out of the camp because the Russians are getting Germans' butt kicked. Alberto left early, but Primo felt like staying more and also Primo was a little sick. SO he stayed with the other people who are not ready to leave the camp and survived for 10 days more. SInce Germans are out of the way, the prisoners could now steal food from the kitchen with ease, and for early days they survived on kitchen food and melted snow water. Even when the concentration camp was over, there were young and old people dying from the sickness or hunger.
During the 10 days Primo and the rest of the refugees fed on food at kitchen, got new clothes from a Tailor.
In the middle of 10 days, one guy from other camp saw potato field from not so far area. Primo and his gangs took many potatoes and had a feast with them. Potatoes, or soup, pancakes, and anything one could do with potatoes were made and for the first time in ages, the prisoners had a feast.
At this time, the prisoners were teamed up, not trying to survive on his own. By helping each other, they gained food and tried to heal the sick or old people. In the later days, the 11 people escaped the camp, leaving only one dead in the camp.
Primo survived and some of his friends also reached their family or made a profession of something. All of them were now back in peaceful life.

Personally, I liked this chapter because it was easiest to read and there were many parts about food. THe food in the book always make me hungry... wait not only that, It was a happy ending for all the prisoners. The last sentence of what primo said also made him sound like he miss the people in the camp. Maybe he doesn't miss the camp's life, but people from the camp is what he missed the most.

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