Wednesday 28 February 2007

Journal 4

Ka-Be was the place where the doctors and nurse look after the prisoner's injury and heal them, if it is in EMERGENT. The Ka-Be does not seem to actually care about the sickness of the Jews. The example in Pg 47 said,
"The nurse takes out the thermometer and presents me: 'Nummer 174517, kein Fieber.' I do not need a long examination: I am immediately declared Arztvormelder. What it means I do not know, but this is certainly not the place to ask questions. I find myself thrown out, I get back my shoes and go back to the hut."
This shows that even if Jews wait for long time for examination, the Ka-Be people does not look carefully about the sickness. They just decide what kind of sickness it is and tell the patient to rest.
Ka-Be is also a bad place, but not so bad like Auschwitz. SS men treat the patients harshly by sending the sick to the cold shower repeatedly.
The Ka-Be doctors, some of them are also prisoners of the camp. They have special skills on doctoring and that is why they are working among the SS people. A fat doctor who took medical examination on primo had black striped suit hidden inside the white coat. The indication to Doctor's fatness, I think, is that the prisoners who work for the germans get fed well.
If there is one hope to survive in Auschwitz, one must be good or like major in one occupation and work for the Germans.

Journal 3

in the third chapter, people suffer from hunger. For their ration, they only get bread each meal. However, the bread in this camp is not only precious, but also it is used as money. In exchange for bread, prisoners can trade their bread for cigarettes, clothes, or ticket to the washroom. This exchanging bread shows that the prisoners have will and hope to survive. By giving up their hunger for one meal, they can get washed up, or get more clothes to warm themselves up, or maybe enjoy a cigarette break.

Journal 2

In the second chapter, there is one part where Jewish people and German people having hard communication since the German language is new to those international Jewish. Primo knew a little about german, but not fully. It must have been pretty troublesome and 'blocked' for Jews because they can't understand what Germans are saying.
Then the prisoners were taken to shower room. All their possessions like clothes and watches were taken away and they were shaved. Then they would get new prisoner clothes to live with it until the end of the camp.
The prisoners are also numbered and Primo got 174517 tattoo on his left arm and that became his new name in the camp. Naming a prisoner in numbers... that shows that the camp is truly a jail and make jews look like sinners and bad criminals.

Journal 1 On auschwitz

In the first chapter, Primo Levi, the italian jew was arrested by fascist troops and was taken to Auschwitz concentration camp. He knew that the camp was the most horrible place for Jews like him. It seemed that it is also almost hopeless to survive in Auschwitz. At first, author could not get along with the new harsh enviornment such as night time and the waking up time. There is also a quote in pg 16 "dawn came on us like a betrayer." This probably explains that when each morning comes, the death of a jew will come closer and since nobody knows who is going to die when, so morning makes every jews fearful. Morning is refreshing beginning for outside life, but it is like hell in Auschwitz

Friday 9 February 2007

Journal on Auschwitz Video

As I watched the Auschwitz Concentration Camp video, I was shocked to see millions of death of Jews, among them being 200,000 chilren. German Nazi gathered all jews from european countries and set them in concentration camps to work to death. Auschiwtz camp was one of the concentration camps and it is also where Primo Levi had survived.
Many people were killed by breathing Zyklon-B gas or getting cremated in a crematorium. Jews were mercilessly killed, experimented, and tortured. The jewish children were experimented by a German scientist named Josef Mengele and suffered or died of dangerous lethal injections.
For those years in the internment, Jewish children were away from their parents and as shown in the video, the one thing that these Children needed was other person's care. Without this care, the children lived in harsh enviornment and survived through hardships that no normal kids have to experience it. When a soviet soldier gave kids a chocolate and a hug, the kids cried in happiness.
The jewish adults suffered more than any race or religious groups. Since Hitler made Jews an enemy of Nazis, adults in the camps were destined to die. Some useful people who have some skills in certain jobs can be hired in the camps. In the video, twenty years old woman volunteered to be a SS worker, to guard and supervise the Jewish women in the labor. However because of her greediness in power of her SS uniform, she killed her own kind and was sentenced to death two months after her 22th birthday. I guess that in the camp, people tend to do anything cruel to survive under the powerful side. For the men, men who were strong and healthy could survive from the selection and other weaklings are left to die.
Nazi is very cruel because this organization led by Adolf Hitler had caused more than One million jews into death. A single man led to the destruction of one million people. When i think about this i remember from the Bible passage that When Pilate was washing his hand that he is not related to killing Jesus, Jews prophet said, "Then we and our descendent will get the punishment!" It seems that punishment came to reality and I sometimes wonder, If God planned that massacre to happen or if it was just a coincidence.
Maybe Hitler made Jews an enemy not because the jews were always successful in business and rich, but also they were the murderer of Jesus Christ. I don't know if Hitler was a Christian, but i heard from someone that Christians didn't like jews because Jews were the cause of Jesus' death.
After the camp was over, some survivors lived to tell the tale. Auschwitz concentration camp was the most horrible place that these survivors could ever go. There was not sympathy in those camps and men, women, and children were harassed, torutred, raped, experimented, and killed.